Saturday Night Devotions
I Peter
He indeed was foreordained before the
foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you who
through Him believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so
that your faith and hope are in God.
Jesus was foreordained to die for us on the cross before
the foundation of the world. When Adam
and Eve sinned, God did not rub His hands together and fret about what to do
next to restore man’s relationship with Him.
Jesus’ sacrifice to cover man’s sin was planned before man was even
created. Somehow it was better for us
for Jesus to come when He did, rather than in Adam’s day, but this verse points
out for us that Jesus came to the world for our sake, and He came in accordance
with God’s plan which was laid down before the world was made. We need not wonder if the plan will
work. God knew it would work before He
ever made man. The question is asked,
“If God knew in advance that men would sin, why did He create the world?” Here we have an answer to that question. God knew man would sin, but He made the plan
to save man alongside His plan to create man.
So our “faith and hope are in God.”
Not just because He made us, but because He planned for our salvation
since the dawn of creation.