I Peter 3:3-4
Do not let your adornment be merely outward – arranging the hair,
wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel – rather let it be the hidden person
of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which
is very precious in the sight of God.
again we are reminded to always maintain a heart to please God and not
men. If a woman’s goal is to catch a
man’s eye, she can do that by making herself look attractive. Hair and jewelry and clothes, adjusted just
so can often have their desired effect on a man. But what catches a man’s eye does not impress
God in the least. The eyes of the Lord
are indeed roaming to and fro across the whole earth (II Chronicles 16:9)” but
He is not looking for pretty people. He
is looking for those with “a gentle and quiet spirit” which He finds “very
precious.” For those of us blessed with
a boisterous personality or the tendency to bellow like the sons of Boanerges (Luke
9:54), it may seem daunting to become “gentle and quiet.” But we cannot dismiss this verse just because
our natural tendencies go against it any more than a timid person can dismiss
scripture’s calls to be bold. Let us all
seek to be gentle and of a quiet spirit – but it is reasonable to say, based on
these verses, that women especially
ought to seek to be gentle and of a quiet spirit – because this trait is very
pleasing to our Lord. In Psalm 18:35,
David credits God with blessing him with success, and remarkably David says,
“Your gentleness has made me great.” May
the women of today seek to imitate God and make their sons and husbands great
through their own gentle spirit. And may
those who do so find that “Her children rise up and call her blessed; her
husband also, and he praises her (Proverbs 31:28).”