Thursday, June 18, 2015

by Sandi Derbyshire
"Then the master told his servant, 'Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full.”—Luke 14:23



            There are plenty of exceptions, but many things that happen on mobile clinic can be expected and are pretty routine. For instance, it is expected and routine for there to be a nurse’s station with blood pressure cuffs, a doctor’s station with flash lights and tongue depressors, and a pharmacy station with all the meds laid out A-Z. It is expected that everyone who comes will have the gospel shared with them one on one. It is routine for us and expected that on a mobile clinic there are patients to be seen. But on this particularly special day on mobile clinic in June 2015 there was no one.  We had arrived early in the morning to the village where we had appointed to hold a mobile clinic.  We had set up our tables, set out our meds, and set our sights on treating the sick and preaching the kingdom of God.  We only lacked one thing.  There were no patients.  We had sent out our invitation, but no one was coming.  

            To solve this simple issue Uncle Rob Pengra suggested we go into the village and tell them that we were here. So three of us set off in an effort to “compel” people to come get their free meds and hear about the God who made the world. At the fourth house I walked into there I met a sweet auntie who was about 50 years old who had all sorts of questions and was very excited when I told her about the clinic. About midway through one of her sentences she grabbed my arm and whispered, “You need to go visit that house (she pointed) my neighbor has a very sick child who never leaves her room.” Many things came to my head on why she was whispering this information to me. One thought being that I should not go into that house alone. Right at that moment Uncle Rob walked up to us as we were talking. “Perfect timing,” I thought, “now I can to the house without hesitation.” The Lord knew I would be messing up this opportunity if I did not go, so in his perfect timing he sent Uncle Rob.

            We walked up to the house and a kind man greeted us and immediately showed us into the house.   Assuming I was a doctor, (probably because I had my stethoscope around my neck), he proceeded to tell me a bunch of information that I was not understanding about the girl behind the door we stood in front of. Not sure what to expect I nodded my head and opened the door. I met two sunken eyes that looked at me from a mat on the floor. A 19 year old girl, we will call Tye, was skin and bone and deathly still in the center of the room. Her grandmother, sitting next to her, got up to come and tell me about all the doctors they had seen and how they couldn’t afford the “special” doctor because they had little money. I told them I would be back with a doctor shortly and I ran back to the clinic to grab my dad. When we came back we discovered that Tye had an incurable complication of Aids. We went through her bag of medicines and found that there was nothing that we could add that would help to cure her dying body. But, we did have lots to offer to cure her dying soul. We shared the gospel with her.  We started by introducing her to the Creator of the universe.  We talked with her about the ugliness of sin, and the Savior who made a way for us to be with that awesome loving Creator. My dad asked her before he started sharing if she had strength to speak. She said yes and after the gospel had been shared she said she believed in Jesus Christ and she prayed to receive Him into her life. We prayed over her and with her after this and talked to the grandmother awhile after this. The local pastor was then able to be brought to the house and he prayed for Tye again and said he would be able to visit her weekly.

            When Jesus walked the Earth rarely did you find him in one place for an extended amount of time. He went to people, He found people, so that His house would be full. You would think that with thousands flocking to Him He would have a good reason to stay in one place but He didn’t. Jesus sought people out – and He gave us His example so that we would do the same.  What a mighty awesome God we serve.  I want to serve Him in His house and in the highways and byways as well.  I want His house to be full.   


(By the way, after our little visit into the village, over 200 people came to see us and hear the gospel story.)

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

A Family of Faith

Ma Boon is a 63 year old lady (far left) was diagnosed with end stage colon cancer 3 months ago. She was told she only a few months to live. She heard from somewhere that the Christian God was a healing God. So she had her husband drive her around until they found a Christian. They found Joy and her little church where they prayed for her. When she came in to the church her husband carried her in on a mat. Ma Boon was skin and bone and unable to walk. They prayed for her and she left. One month later she walked in remarkably better. Three months later she came back looking "fat" and healthy and back to work. It was obvious a miracle had been done. Her doctor was amazed because he gave her no hope. He offered some minor medication (telling her chemo was not worth a try at the stage) and she didn't take them because she said she had faith that her God would heal her. When she came for a check up later the doctor could find no more cancer. 

Husband and wife (second the the left and far right) came to Christ about 20 years ago when a missionary came to their village and taught them about God. He discovered that God had called him and had chosen him. They had a son who was very sick. From four years old to 19 years old he was in and out of the hospital with thalassemia. Mom and dad had to take him to Bangkok for many transfusions and treatments. They were troubled because they were simple uneducated people who didn't know anything about medicine. But soon they learned more about God and that he was the great physician. When their son was about 19 the doctor said he needed his spleen out. But the boy learned from the Bible that every organ in the Bible is important so he felt led that he should keep his spleen. They signed him out of the hospital and asked The Lord to heal him. Now 6 years later he is healthy, married, jaundice free, and he no longer needs transfusions. God did a miracle in his life too. They led their niece Bang ( second the the right) to The Lord and it was Bang who led Ma Boon to The Lord. A great family of faith.

One of the many amazing stories and testimonies from mobile clinic this week. What faith can do!!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

To Our Faithful Followers

Dear Friends and Family,
   Our apologies for not keeping this blog updated as we should.  Doug and I are going to make a concerted effort to keep this blog full of our stories of how the Lord has worked among our various ministries.  We want you to be informed and able to pray for us specifically.  We covet your prayers.  Here are a few things that are new for us.
Thai Country Trim now has a face book page and we have an Etsy shop where we are selling a few items. Just use our name to find us and face book and there is a link to the Etsy shop there.
The clinic has a new website that is still being built but you can find us on     
Thank you for you prayers and your patients with us as we try again to make this blog a priority.
Doug and Cheryl