Thursday, January 21, 2016

C to C (Creation to Christ) and Me


  It all began about 5 years ago when I attended a conference with many of my missionary co-laborers.  We were taught how to share the Gospel using simply drawn pictures.  It could be done on a napkin, or a scrap piece of paper from my purse or really anything within reach should the opportunity present itself.  We called it, “Drawing C to C”  .

  After I learned it well, I taught the Gospel sharing method to my staff at TCT and also the clinic staff.  It became a great tool in our belt for Gospel sharing opportunities we often have and for new Christians it helped them understand the full Gospel message. clearly.   Since that time, we have used this method in many different ways, while talking to our pieceworkers at TCT on our home visits, when the clinic staff has been doing some of the door to door canvasing, when family members of our staff have had questions about Christianity, at our mobile clinics and most recently as a part of our Christmas celebrations. 

  Last year we asked our best artist to draw a progression of pictures from C to C so we could make a flip chart that could be easily used anywhere.  We all liked the fact that we could draw it ourselves, but we wanted to have a more “reverent” depiction of the story we were telling.  ( quite frankly, some of us couldn’t really draw the simplest angel and make it look holy) The chart turned out beautifully.  We also had our new missionaries fresh out of language school learn how to present C to C using our flip chart.   This became a great success and another tool for our Gospel sharing efforts. 

  Next, I decided I wanted to make a simple English coloring book using the C to C drawing idea to use in our week long English camps that we had scheduled last summer.  I asked my daughter Becky to help me by using her graphic design abilities.  She did an amazing job and again another tool was born. 

  This Christmas the wife of our pastor in Bankgla, Khun Wan, decided to take the coloring book, translate it into Thai, and make huge posters with it  teaching the kids at church how to present C to C with the posters at our Christmas programs. 

It was such a huge success, we decided to use the posters at our TCT Christmas programs and teach C to C with an emphasis on when and why Jesus was born and what Christmas means.  I believe this was the clearest presentation of the Gospel we have had at our Christmas celebrations yet. 


  The results….. people are being reached.  In Nan, Bangkla, and Tungmahajaren, we had completely captive audiences while we share the message together. 

Never before have we had the responses we have had from this presentation.  In all of those centers, ALL of the hearers said they were interested to understand this story more, and more than 16 said they were ready to pray with our evangelist to make God their Lord and Savior.  We are still following up on all those women.  Just yesterday we saw one whole family changed by the Gospel of Christ as a result of hearing this clear presentation of God's plan for them.   His message will not return void. 
....And that’s the story of C to C and me. 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Merry Christmas Celebration
Bangkla Thai Country Trim
2015 (although celebrated in 2016)

Anticipating the time to share

Teaw leading games

Balloon train

Wondering what will happen next!

The perfect evangelism partner.
Mrs. Wan our pastors wife sharing about the beginning of the world

Showing how  and why God made us.

Why God put man on this earth and how sin separated us from fellowship with Him

Then God sent his son to save us.  This is Christmas.  In my family every Christmas we wake up early in the morning, gather around the Christmas tree with all the gifts all around and before we open one present, we read the story of Christmas from the Bible. After I shared the Christmas story I explained that we do this so we can remember the greatest gift ever given. God giving his son Jesus to be a man and to show us the way to be right with God and go to Heaven when we pass from this earth.  .   As an out pouring of our gratitude we prepare gifts to give to each other in celebration of this day. 

Another perfect evangelism partner, Mrs. Nipha sang with me a song I wrote that wraps the whole Christmas story into one song. 

When we finished our presentation, I asked Mrs. Namthan to share what happened to her last year as she sat way in the back row of this same room on this same celebration day and afterword she gave her life to Christ.  She talked about how much God has changed her life and how glad she is to be called a Christian. 

Finally each TCT worker received a gift.  A new jacket with our logo and the words of Jesus, "Come unto me all who are weak and heavy laden and I will give you rest." 
  It was a great day!  Today in our sharing time, my staff were all amazed that the ladies were so attentive while we shared the Gospel yesterday. Usually in our evangelism time at the center, they are very disruptive and don't really pay much attention.  But on this day, they were silent.  We know of one person who we will be visiting next week who may be ready to choose Christ.  She lives in an area where we are trying to start a church but still have no believers.    May the Lord bless it. 
  Two days before the program, I woke up very sick with a throat infection. I could hardly swallow, I had a fever, and my voice was strained  I was sure I would not be able to speak.  As I tried to find a replacement and all who I asked refused, I felt the Lord say to me.  "Let me take care of it.  Prepare to be there." 
  When I awoke yesterday morning, my voice was fine and my throat pain was minimal.  Glory be to God.