Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Story continued....

In our last newsletter I talked about learning a new Bible storying method that I had only begun implementing as I was writing the article.  Now it has been 4 months and God has been moving in my staff in wonderful ways.  As we have been practicing on each other daily for the past 4 months, these are some of the things my staff has shared as they have learned and began using Bible storying for themselves, each other, family and friends.

Pawana- (She has worked for us since she was saved at our Christmas program in our yard 15 years ago.  She is a simple minded women who talks very little and works VERY hard.)
“I’m a good reader, but I have never memorized a verse before never mind a whole story.  When Cheryl asked us to do this, I thought it was impossible.  I decided to try.  So, I took my story with me wherever I went, I read it before bed, when I got up, when I was on the bus, while working.  When it was my turn to stand up and tell the story.  I did it.”
No one thought this was something Pawana could do.  When she finished her story.  I was crying, people were cheering, and a transformation in Pawana began to happen.  Now I can give Pawana any Bible story and she will take it on.  God is using what she is learning to make her a new person.  He is also changing us as we watch what God can do.

Dang- (has worked full time for almost 20 years, she is a single women in her early 40’s, very smart, very sharp, and a woman of strong faith.)
“Watching Pawana tell her story for the first time was inspiring to me.  Studying the Bible this way has made me want to learn more. “
I have seen revival in Dang’s heart since studying the Bible together with this storying method.  She is so gifted in many things, I look forward to seeing what God will do next with her. 

Phim- (Phim has worked for TCT for many years as well, first as a home worker, and after she gave her life to Christ, she came to work for us full time at the center.  Phim also has little education, and studying anything scares her.)  “Learning to tell and find the treasures in Bible stories has given me confidence to share things about God to my family.  I always felt like I didn’t know enough.  Now things are just pouring out of me.  When we studied the woman with the issue of blood, I knew, that was me.  It reminded me I have a testimony just like that, I need to share it. Phim told us when we were studying that story that before she became a Christian, she suffered with severe asthma since childhood.  Usually her attacks would put her in the hospital several times a year.  When our hospital evangelist would witness to her she would always pray God would heal her.  Since the day she gave her heart to Jesus, she has not had an asthma attack.  She is in her 50’s now.  She had never told anyone this story.  I told her, this is an incredible thing God has done for you, you must share it.  How will Thai people who don’t know God, know how powerful He is, if we don’t tell them what God has done for us?  She took that to heart and also has had revival in her heart and life. 

Teaw- (She has a college degree and seminary training.  She has worked for us since she was in high school.  She is a worship leader for us and our local church.)  “Storying has been such a blessing to me.  Seeing so many people who have very little education tell whole stories by memory has just amazed me.  All of us have been made to read the Bible more than ever before, and I can see how it is changing us.”
Teaw has become very proficient in leading our group to find the treasures God has for us in the stories we tell and study.  I look forward to seeing how God will use her in the future.

Phonpit- ( she has worked for us for almost 30 years.  She is very simple minded and had to quit school in the 4th grade to take care of her family.)  “Studying like this has made me not just read my Bible but really know it.  Know it so well, I can tell it to someone else, just like I talk to them about anything else.  I feel so smart."
I sometimes call Phonpit our little Cinderella girl.  Before she knew Christ, no one in her life ever showed her love.  I love watching her tell her assigned stories, it blesses my heart right down to my shoes. 

 Aroni-  ( our longest working employee, serving the Lord here for 30+ years.  She has helped develop this ministry from the beginning.  She is in her 60’s now and still a vital part of what we do.)
“This study really gave my faith a jump start.  God used it to show me things I needed to change.  It has helped me to be more bold when I go on visits to our workers’ homes.  It has helped me become a better church leader.  If we believe that what we have in God is good, we need to share it.”
Aroni shared with me that at the church plant she is working in, they asked her to teach youth.  That really scared her, but she didn’t want to say no.  So she prayed and asked God to show her what to do.  Then I began teaching this storying method and she had the answer.  She has been using it ever since and always has wonderful stories to share with me. 
  Studying God’s word using this method has helped us at Thai Country Trim in several ways.  First, it has sent revival in our midst, second it has given us a level of confidence we were sorely lacking,  third we have memorized more scripture than we ever thought possible, and fourth, we are beginning to see fruit from our new found boldness.  (see my next story, “Far from God”)

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