On Sunday morning Doug and had a wonderful time teaching the children in our house church in Plang Yao about Gideon. In the process of telling the story we made a discovery of our own which gave us an incredible idea for the next time we meet. Read on and discover what we did.
This is Doug helping the kids visualize how Gideon's army was chosen. Here we made little pools of water for the kids to try and drink. Doug is using his hands to drink the water.
Then he told them how the Lord kept telling Gideon there is too many men.
When they got to 300 men, Gideon showed them their weapons, a horn, a clay pot and a torch.
Gideon told them to put the pot over the torch.
"When I give you the word, break your pot, blow your horn and yell," For the Lord and for Gideon"
That's all it took to scare them all to death. God's hand and God's plan.
"Sometimes you kids might find you are all alone in your schools fighting an army of people who don't know Jesus. Most of you are the only Christian in your class. You are God's 300 club at school. You can have strength to do whatever God asks you to do. God is that powerful."
As we traveled home that day we decided we need to make 300 club bracelets or arm bands next time we meet so the kids will remember that God is with them and he will take care of them like he did Gideon. These kids face a lot of persecution that America kids can't even comprehend. Every event and ceremony is a Buddhist ceremony. The opening session at school begins with Buddhist chants. Their teachers often punish them if they do not participate. Please pray for our kids, Folk, Guy, Pear, Gift, Oom, Bank, Omsin, Pow, A, and Pho. That God would help them to be brave and live for Jesus.
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