Saturday, November 8, 2014

A Thorn in the Head

A Thorn in the Head
  Most of my friends and partners in our work know that I have struggled for years with severe head aches.  I know I will get one if I get too hot.  Hmmm..... 95 degrees and 95% humidity almost 365 days a year here in Thailand,  doing the math, that means almost daily for me.   Mobile clincs are the worst.  So, when I go on mobile clinics I usually go fully loaded with every medicine that might help, as well as ice packs and caffeinated drinks in the cooler.  Some would say,  why do it????  What are you trying to prove?  Well, I don't have to prove God is worthy of all I have, but I'm glad to endure for the chance to make a difference in the lives of people who might never hear there is a God who made this world. 
  I also usually get a  headache after a major event.  Hmmmm....  orchestrating major events is kind of my thing.  God has given me a huge heart to create huge events which will communicate His message to the most possible people.  So, what do I do?  Quit that too?  I have decided that I cannot quit -- but I have learned that I do need to endure.  Besides, the headaches come after the big events.  No problem! 
     Funny thing is, I rarely have headaches when I'm in America.  Even in red hot Arizona.  So, do I bail and go back and live in the States where life is comfy and all my kids and grandkids live?  No, that is just not God's plan for me right now. 
  God is worthy of all.  Sometimes my "all" doesn't seem like a whole lot.  But I know this is where I'm supposed to be whether I live with head aches or not.  So as long as I can still function well enough to tell people about God and disciple the people God puts in my path,  this is where I'll be.  In my weakness may God show Himself strong. 
How can you pray for me this month? 
November 17th-  I will be speaking to over 150 TCT non-believers about the God who made this world and how they can have a relationship with Him.  At 11am my time please pray for me, that I would speak fluently the Gospel message God has given me for this time. 
November 20th-January 20th-  Doug and I will be on our stateside time in Arizona.  Pray my head will get the rest it needs to ready me for the year ahead.

Below is Doug's preaching schedule.
Nov.  23rd     Palisades Baptist Church, Pearl City Hawaii 
Dec. 6 and 7th  Forest Park Baptist Church Joplin, MO 
Dec 14th  Pinnacle Church,  Scottsdale, AZ    Evening service: Crosspoint Baptist, Tempe, AZ
Dec. 28th  Gateway Fellowship, Gilbert AZ
Jan 4th, North Phoenix Baptist Church,  Phoenix, AZ
Jan. 10-15  International Learning Center, Richmond VA

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