I Peter
For this is the will of God, that by doing
good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men.
On rare occurrences, whole nations and societies have
turned to saving faith in Christ, but much more commonly when we are born we
enter a society dominated by unbelievers.
When we come to saving faith in Christ our soul rejoices that He has
called us out of that darkness into His glorious light, but because our
salvation sets us apart from the lost world around us, it is very common for the
unholy majority to rise up against new believers with a litany of
complaints. Society chastises Christians
for abandoning the religion of their ancestors, for not indulging in the old
sins that used to bind them together, for discontinuing old traditions, and so
forth. These complaints come from “the
ignorance of foolish men.” In ignorance
they see the radical change that overcomes a new believer in Christ and then
assume that Christians must be bad because they are different. We, as children of God combat this ignorance
and complaint by “doing good.” This is
the will of God for us – not to win people’s affections by arguing with them, or
by using force to turn them to our way of thinking, but by the simple means of
“doing good.” Ignorant people will
complain against our devotion to Christ, let us not be shocked, offended, or
discouraged by this. Instead, let us
heed the admonition in this verse and seek to change people’s negative feelings
toward us by agreeing to “Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land, and
feed on his faithfulness (Psalm 37:3).”
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