Monday, November 17, 2014

The World God Made Was Made for You to Know Him

I Am Special because God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten son.
 This is our TCT staff who worked very hard to get ready for this special day with our home workers.  It was truly a day that was a gift from God.
 We began our day by registering our guests.  All who attended our party were given our specially designed t-shirt (thanks to my daughter Becky Duvall) to remind them of what they would hear about that day.
Everyone had to pitch in to make room for all the motorcycles.
We started with games and fun.

Then I shared a message about our wonderful amazing world.  As I pointed out the things of our world that man cannot make,  water, flowers, trees, the beauty of nature,  I talked about how all these things around us,  all point us to God.  I told the creation story and used the giant globe to point out where man first was created.  I showed them that has man populated the earth he began to forget God and now like Thailand there are  whole countries don't even know that there is a God.  I told them of the first sin and how that separated us from our creator.  But God loved us so much that he sent us his son to show us the way back to Him. I talked about the day Jesus was born and what an important day that first Christmas was. I showed them on the globe where Jesus was born and then where I was born.  I explained that my parents where the ones who told me about God.  Then when I got older I found out there where whole countries that didn't know about God.  So my husband and I decided we needed to go to Thailand to tell the Thai people about the God who made the world.    I explained to  them how they could know God too.  After, I finished my message, I gave them a response card  to indicate whether they were interested in following Christ.  We had 78 cards turned in, 16 of them said they were ready to accept Christ, 51 said they wanted to learn more and have us pray for them. What a wonderful day to serve God and be a part of his calling people back to Him.  My cup runs over with joy.   

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